Home Finder Page
Home Finder Page
Roomie Finder Page
Roomie Finder Page
Room Listing Page
Room Listing Page
Help & Resources Page
Help & Resources Page
Project Type: UI & Interface Design, Website Design
The purpose of this project was to find a design solution in response to the housing crisis issues and its effect on Kingston students. The solution consists of an app prototype that facilitates the home-finding process by offering its users different strategies to help them find affordable housing options.
The final solution is a site that allows students to find affordable housing solutions by budgeting
and finding options that fit within their budget, finding a roommate to lower their collective rental price, or listing a room for rent. 
As such, the prototype allows for a design solution that promotes and facilitates affordable housing options, brings awareness, provides resources to help with the housing crisis, as well as promotes standards or rules that prevent any harm from being done to others.
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