Cover Mockup
Cover Mockup
Spread Mockup
Spread Mockup
Classical Fables Book Cover
Classical Fables Book Cover
The Crow and the Pitcher Page Spread (Left)
The Crow and the Pitcher Page Spread (Left)
The Serpent and the File Page Spread (Right)
The Serpent and the File Page Spread (Right)
Project Type: Book Design, Print, Illustration
The objective of this project was to create a classical book design for two of Aesop's fables. The overall design of this book takes into account the design restrictions of its historical time with letter presses, inked illustrations, and leather book covers.
The book's overall design relies on respecting the technological constraints of the 15th century. As such, the book cover takes inspiration from similar work at the time, with embossing used for patterns and gold accents to highlight the text and monogram. The two-page spread applies the same rules, with only 2 different colored inks used and hatch marks used for drawing the images.
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